Arch Linux: Headless Install USB Flash
Creating a USB flash drive for a headless install.
Install the needed tools:
# pacman -Syu dosfstools mtools libisoburn
Two text files are needed:
$ touch meta-data
$ nano user-data
- name: root
- ssh-rsa <RSA KEY>
- content: |
PreSharedKey=<WIFI KEY>
path: /var/lib/iwd/blah.psk
Create a FAT image with the label CIDATA
$ mkfs.fat -C -n CIDATA cloud-init.img 2048
Copy the previously made files to the filesystem of the image file:
$ mcopy -i cloud-init.img meta-data user-data ::
Add this image to the installer ISO:
$ xorriso -indev archlinux-x86_64.iso -outdev archlinux-x86_64-with-cidata.iso -append_partition 3 0x0c cloud-init.img -boot_image any replay
Copy the image to the flash drive:
# pv archlinux-x86_64-with-cidata.iso > /dev/sdX